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    Waterfall Model - Advantages and Disadvantages

    • Waterfall Model is a Linear model.
    • Documentation is important in this model.
    • Waterfall model is good for long-term projects.
    Advantages of Waterfall model:
    1. Quality of the product will be good.
    2. Since requirement changes are not allowed, chances of finding bugs will be less.
    3. Initial investment is less since the testers are hired at the later stages.
    4. Preferred for small projects where requirements are freeze.

    Disadvantages of Waterfall model:
    1. Requirement changes are not allowed.
    2. If there is defect in requirement that will be continued in later phases.
    3. Total investment is more because time taking for rework on defect is time consuming which leads to high investment.
    4. Testing will start only after coding.

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