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    What is Agile?


    - Agile is an Iterative and Incremental process.

    Incremental -> keep on adding new

    Iterative -> same kind of process repeating again and again

    Agile Principles:

    1) Customer no need to wait for long time.

    2) We develop, test and release a piece of software to the customer with few number of features.

    3) We can accept/accommodate requirement changes from the customer.

    4) There will be good communication among customer, business analyst, developers & testers.


    1) Requirement changes are allowed in any stage of development or we can accommodate requirement changes in the middle of development.

    2) Releases will be very fast (weekly).

    3) Customer no need to wait for long time.

    4) Good communication among team.

    5) It is very easy model to adopt.


    1) Less focus on design and documentation since we deliver software releases very fast.

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