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    What is Regression Testing?

    Testing conducts on modified build to make sure there will not be impact on existing functionality because of changes like deleting/adding/modifying features.

    Three types of Regression Testing:-

    1. Unit Regression Testing

    - Testing only the changes/modifications done by the developer.

    2. Regional Regression Testing

    - Testing the modified module along with the impacted modules.

    - Impact analysis meeting conducts to identify impacted modules with QA & Dev.

    3. Full Regression Testing

    - Testing the main feature & remaining part of the application.

    Example:- Dev has done changes in many modules, instead of identifying impacted modules, we perform one round of full regression.

    1 comment:

    1. Testing conducts on modified build to make sure there will not be impact on existing functionality because of changes like deleting/adding/modifying features.
