What is Non-Functional Testing?
- Once the application functionality is stable, then we do Non-Functional Testing.
- Focus on performance, load and security etc.
- Focus on customer expectation.
- Application must be safe & secure.
- Quickly responds.
- Works on all platforms.
Non-Functional Testing
- Performance Testing
- Load Testing
- Stress Testing
- Volume Testing
- Security Testing
- Recovery Testing
- Compatibility Testing
- Configuration Testing
- Installation Testing
- Sanitation/Garbage Testing
1. Performance Testing
- Only for web applications. It tests speed of the application.
a. Load Testing
- Increasing the load on the application slowly then check the speed of the application.
b. Stress Testing
- Suddenly increase/decrease the load on the application and check the speed of the application.
c. Volume Testing
- Checks how much data is able to handle by the application.
2. Security Testing
- How secure our application is.
- Mostly for banking applications.
- Authentication -> users are valid or not. Ex- Login
- Authorization/Access Control -> Verifying the permissions of the valid user.
3. Recovery Testing
- Checks the system change to abnormal to normal.
Ex- Drafts in Gmail.
4. Compatibility Testing
- Forward Compatibility.
- Backward Compatibility.
- Hardware Compatibility - Configuration testing
5. Installation Testing
- Tests installation process.
- Checks screens are clear to understand or not.
- Installation process is simple or not.
- Un-Installation process is simple or not.
6. Sanitation/Garbage Testing
- Remove unwanted functionalities from the software.
- If any application provides extra features/functionality then we consider them as bug.
Non-functional testing focus on performance, load and security etc.