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    Functions of OS Module

    1. File and Directory Operations:

    os.getcwd(): Get the current working directory.

    os.chdir(path): Change the current working directory to the specified path.

    os.listdir(path='.'): Return a list containing names of entries in the given directory.

    os.mkdir(path): Create a directory.

    os.makedirs(path): Create directories recursively.

    os.remove(path): Remove a file.

    os.rmdir(path): Remove a directory.

    os.removedirs(path): Remove directories recursively.

    os.rename(src, dst): Rename a file or directory.

    2. Path Manipulation:

    os.path.join(path1, path2, ...): Join one or more path components.

    os.path.abspath(path): Return the absolute version of a path.

    os.path.dirname(path): Return the directory name of a path.

    os.path.basename(path): Return the base name of a path.

    os.path.exists(path): Check if a path exists.

    os.path.isfile(path): Check if a path is a regular file.

    os.path.isdir(path): Check if a path is a directory.

    3. Environmental Variables:

    os.environ: A dictionary containing the environment variables.

    4. System Information:

    os.name: Name of the operating system dependent module imported. (e.g., 'posix', 'nt')

    os.uname(): Return information identifying the current operating system.

    5. Process Utilities:

    os.system(command): Execute the command in a subshell.

    os.spawn* and os.exec*: Low-level process creation and execution.

    6. Miscellaneous:

    os.pathsep: The character used to separate paths in the PATH variable.

    Example Usage:

    import os

    # File and Directory Operations




    # Path Manipulation

    path = os.path.join('folder', 'file.txt')



    # Environmental Variables


    # System Information



    # Process Utilities

    os.system('ls -l')

    # Miscellaneous


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